Makarios Consulting Blog

Author: Timothy I. Thomas and Rip Tilden

The Big Talk: When All Else Fails

You’ve tried to set boundaries. You’ve proposed potential solutions and workarounds. But the Micromanager is still, well, micromanaging. Before you write that resignation letter or – we don’t recommend this – quit on the spot, we suggest you try a few additional options. Every situation is different. Maybe you’re in your dream company in a… Continue reading The Big Talk: When All Else Fails

Manage the Micromanager: The Art of Managing ‘Up’

Micromanagers are the worst. Don’t take our word for it: 60% of employees surveyed in the 2017 State of the American Workplace report said they can’t do their job because their boss is too busy doing it for them. This according to a recent Forbes article written by Navalent Managing Partner Ron Carucci on how… Continue reading Manage the Micromanager: The Art of Managing ‘Up’

Micromanaging: It’s Holding You Back

Ask yourself this question: as a leader, are you involved or are you essential to what’s going on in your company? Simply put, effective leaders have made the decision to delegate effectively and let go of the excuses as to why they need to stay involved in the tactical tasks. In a recent Harvard Business… Continue reading Micromanaging: It’s Holding You Back

Stare Down the Elephants

As a business leader, you likely make complex decisions on a daily basis about your company’s bottom line, where your next piece of business is coming from, and how you stack up against the competition. Often, as leaders, we have no problem tackling difficult issues, with one exception: people. Tough people issues can become “Elephants… Continue reading Stare Down the Elephants

Millennials: They’re Just Like Everybody Else

“The single biggest decision you make in your job – bigger than all the rest – is who you name manager. When you name the wrong person manager, nothing fixes that bad decision. Not compensation, not benefits – nothing.” –Jim Clifton, CEO Gallup Inc. contributor Marcel Schwantes published an article last June about why employees… Continue reading Millennials: They’re Just Like Everybody Else

Managerial Malpractice: The Failure to Give Positive Feedback

What’s the first thing you say to your team after they complete a project? If you’re like most leaders, you probably say nothing. Time and again in our leadership training workshops, we see high-level executives who are unable and unwilling to give positive feedback to their employees. And make no mistake, it’s costing them –… Continue reading Managerial Malpractice: The Failure to Give Positive Feedback