Makarios Consulting Blog

Tag: leadership training

Low Morale: A Party Won’t Fix This

When we talk with business leaders about building the ideal organization, two phrases come to mind:  High Morale and Employee Engagement.  Business leaders envision a team of people who enjoy their work, are motivated to work hard, are willing to think creatively about the best ways to deliver great products and services to their customers,… Continue reading Low Morale: A Party Won’t Fix This

Plan: What’s Your VOMP Solution? (Part 4/4)

Over the last three weeks, we’ve covered the first three stages of the VOMP (Ventilation, Ownership, Moccasins, Plan) method for resolving conflicts. This week, we’ll discuss the final stage – the Plan. The Plan is where you strive for, and commit to, a solution. The first three steps – Ventilation, Ownership, Moccasins – help improve… Continue reading Plan: What’s Your VOMP Solution? (Part 4/4)

Moccasins: I’ll Try Yours On But I Don’t Like Them (Part 3/4)

The Moccasins stage of the VOMP (Ventilation, Ownership, Moccasins, Plan) model for conflict resolution comes from the old phrase “walk a mile in the other person’s moccasins.” In this step, both parties should express their understanding of and empathy for the other person’s experience and point-of-view. Keep in mind that understanding doesn’t necessarily mean agreement.… Continue reading Moccasins: I’ll Try Yours On But I Don’t Like Them (Part 3/4)

Ventilation: Do You Hear What I’m Saying? (Part 1/4)

FACT: You will never agree with everybody about everything. But, we can learn how to handle workplace conflict effectively. In our last blog series, we learned to diffuse conflict in three ways: 1) Slow down and make rational decisions 2) Separate needs from wants 3) Choose the right method to handle the conflict at hand… Continue reading Ventilation: Do You Hear What I’m Saying? (Part 1/4)

Conflict Resolution: I Feel Your Pain (2 of 3)

Understanding the difference between what we think and feel about a situation, and what we need and want to happen in that situation – these are the building blocks of conflict resolution. Last week, we focused on how people respond to workplace conflict, and which situations might call for specific responses. This week, we want… Continue reading Conflict Resolution: I Feel Your Pain (2 of 3)

Five Ways to Conquer Workplace Conflict (Part 1)

Conflict. As an effective leader, we have to deal with conflict on a daily basis. If we want to resolve conflicts successfully, we must first understand three things: How people respond to conflict What the building blocks are in conflict resolution How to have a conversation to resolve conflict Each of those skills is critical… Continue reading Five Ways to Conquer Workplace Conflict (Part 1)