Makarios Consulting Blog

Tag: micromanagement

Micromanaging Is Never Your Job

Recently, Don Tinney, co-founder of the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®), published a blog on the dangers of micromanagement. Don noted that in quarterly update meetings, leaders sometimes want to drill deeply into details about a project’s status, rather than simply ask if the project is on track or off track. The blog concludes with the… Continue reading Micromanaging Is Never Your Job

Micromanagement Is A Recipe for Poor Performance

Most leaders will admit that micromanaging damages the effectiveness of a team. Yet a good portion of those same leaders will micromanage their teams every day. Why? Leaders don’t micromanage because they are ogres intent upon making their team members’ lives miserable. Leaders micromanage because they are unwilling to truly delegate. Here’s how it works.… Continue reading Micromanagement Is A Recipe for Poor Performance