Makarios Consulting Blog

Category: Management Consulting

Micromanagement Is A Recipe for Poor Performance

Most leaders will admit that micromanaging damages the effectiveness of a team. Yet a good portion of those same leaders will micromanage their teams every day. Why? Leaders don’t micromanage because they are ogres intent upon making their team members’ lives miserable. Leaders micromanage because they are unwilling to truly delegate. Here’s how it works.… Continue reading Micromanagement Is A Recipe for Poor Performance

Tough Love: It’s in the Delivery

No one likes to hear what they’re doing wrong. And, as leaders, we often don’t want to tell employees ‘bad news’ about their progress or attitude. In last week’s blog, we discussed the concept of ‘reinforcing feedback’ – recognizing and encouraging positive behavior. This week, we’ll focus on ‘redirecting feedback,’ which seeks to change, or… Continue reading Tough Love: It’s in the Delivery

5 Steps to Create Your Company’s Vision

Establishing your vision for your business is the first step in developing a solid strategy. Vision is the inspirational engine that drives strategy. Your company’s vision should be a realistic statement of aspiration based on what you are today and what you want to become in the future. It should be practical, targeted, and measurable,… Continue reading 5 Steps to Create Your Company’s Vision

Take Off Your Rose-Colored Glasses

  We see what we want to see. We’ve all heard that phrase and it applies especially to leaders in business. For a business to be successful – and remain successful – we as leaders must make sure to avoid falling into a complacent mindset. When business is improving, it becomes especially easy to convince… Continue reading Take Off Your Rose-Colored Glasses

Making Your Vision a Tangible Reality

A solid strategy is critical to succeed in business and as a leader. The first step in creating a working strategy is to establish a company vision. Just as your strategy explains and projects success within the given market, your company’s vision serves as the engine that drives that strategy, and, ultimately, the company’s overall… Continue reading Making Your Vision a Tangible Reality

Four Reasons Business Consulting Firms Say Managers Have To Delegate In Order To Succeed

Small business owners are particularly apt to have trouble delegating tasks to their employees, primarily because they are so closely attached to the success or failure of their business. Many small business consulting firms have worked with owner/managers who admitted that they just couldn’t let go of the reins of their company because they didn’t… Continue reading Four Reasons Business Consulting Firms Say Managers Have To Delegate In Order To Succeed