Makarios Consulting Blog

Tag: leadership style

fear culture workplace

Detecting a Culture of Fear

I (Tim) recall hearing about a leader who, when asked what his management style was, stated without apology, “Fear.” He purposefully and aggressively worked to instill fear in his people, believing that if they were afraid of him they would work better. You are likely repulsed by the thought of such a “leadership style,” and… Continue reading Detecting a Culture of Fear

collaborative leader

Walking the Talk about Becoming a Collaborative Leader

John C. Maxwell, the prominent leadership speaker and author, said famously, “Your talk talks and your walk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks.” Today, we want to shine the spotlight on one place in business where this truth can result in severe losses: namely, when a “benevolent dictator” talks about becoming… Continue reading Walking the Talk about Becoming a Collaborative Leader

Micromanaging Is Never Your Job

Recently, Don Tinney, co-founder of the Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®), published a blog on the dangers of micromanagement. Don noted that in quarterly update meetings, leaders sometimes want to drill deeply into details about a project’s status, rather than simply ask if the project is on track or off track. The blog concludes with the… Continue reading Micromanaging Is Never Your Job

Micromanagement Is A Recipe for Poor Performance

Most leaders will admit that micromanaging damages the effectiveness of a team. Yet a good portion of those same leaders will micromanage their teams every day. Why? Leaders don’t micromanage because they are ogres intent upon making their team members’ lives miserable. Leaders micromanage because they are unwilling to truly delegate. Here’s how it works.… Continue reading Micromanagement Is A Recipe for Poor Performance

Two Approaches to Executing Change

Let’s assume that a certain change has to take place in your business. What will you do? How will you introduce and execute the change? There are two methods you can use: the Hammer Approach or the Commitment Approach. The method you pick should depend on the kind of change you want to implement. Hammer… Continue reading Two Approaches to Executing Change

Pick a Style: The Five Types of Leadership

When it comes to leading effectively, learning to choose the right leadership style is everything. Depending on personality, circumstance, and goals, we need to understand which style is suitable for the situation at hand. Two highly regarded leadership academics, Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, have identified the five leadership styles: Bureaucratic, Supportive, Directive, Traditional, and… Continue reading Pick a Style: The Five Types of Leadership