Makarios Consulting Blog

Tag: process

wooden block letters spelling disruption, with a light bulb

Leadership Challenge: Be Your Own Disruptor

At some point in your tenure as a business leader, your company, department, or team is going to be shaken up. Even without the hopefully-once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, upheavals happen in every industry and with every business as markets flux, innovations emerge, economies adjust, competitors advance, and for countless other reasons. If you are in a period… Continue reading Leadership Challenge: Be Your Own Disruptor

4 Steps to Getting Your Team Onboard with New Processes

Entrepreneurial businesses are fueled by innovation and exploration. Their beginning stages are often characterized by rapid decision-making to capitalize on opportunities, quick adjustments to meet customer needs, and individualized approaches to getting work done. But at some point, the leadership team in such an entrepreneurial company realizes that they need to firm up operational processes… Continue reading 4 Steps to Getting Your Team Onboard with New Processes