Makarios Consulting Blog

Month: October 2020

leadership decisions

Just Pick a Lane … You Don’t Have to Stay in It

You and your leadership team are facing a decision, so you gather a wealth of data – and then you gather some more. You have thoughtful and intelligent conversations about the issue in meeting after meeting. You analyze it from every angle, with each member of the team contributing the benefit of their experience, their… Continue reading Just Pick a Lane … You Don’t Have to Stay in It

collaborative leader

Walking the Talk about Becoming a Collaborative Leader

John C. Maxwell, the prominent leadership speaker and author, said famously, “Your talk talks and your walk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks.” Today, we want to shine the spotlight on one place in business where this truth can result in severe losses: namely, when a “benevolent dictator” talks about becoming… Continue reading Walking the Talk about Becoming a Collaborative Leader