Makarios Consulting Blog

Month: August 2021

clear, direct leadership

A Lack of Clarity Gets a Lack of Results

Picture in your mind’s eye: you are sitting in a team meeting. One of your team members is not hitting the mark. As the leader, you need to tell him … but you waffle. You don’t want to hurt his feelings, so you use circumlocutions. You don’t want tempers to rise, so you water down… Continue reading A Lack of Clarity Gets a Lack of Results

fear culture workplace

Detecting a Culture of Fear

I (Tim) recall hearing about a leader who, when asked what his management style was, stated without apology, “Fear.” He purposefully and aggressively worked to instill fear in his people, believing that if they were afraid of him they would work better. You are likely repulsed by the thought of such a “leadership style,” and… Continue reading Detecting a Culture of Fear