Makarios Consulting Blog

Tag: decisions

leadership decision-making

3 Decisions that Damage Decision-making for Your Business

Decisions, decisions! Your business lives or dies, thrives or falters, and is energized or paralyzed not only on the basis of the actual decisions that are made but – critically – on how those decisions are made. In fact, it is possible to make the right decision but make it in the wrong way. And,… Continue reading 3 Decisions that Damage Decision-making for Your Business

decision making

The Leadership Ropes Course: The Decision Zip Line

Leadership is a lot like a ropes course – you are confronted with challenge after challenge, each one testing your skills and giving you an opportunity for personal development and team growth. In this series, we are looking at elements of “The Leadership Ropes Course” that all leaders need to face – and master! Have… Continue reading The Leadership Ropes Course: The Decision Zip Line