Makarios Consulting Blog

Month: September 2019

The Unexpected Career Gift

Recently, I (Rip) was meeting with a company leader who had been preparing for some time to have a tough talk with a member of his team. The team member was a high producer, but her abrasive interactions were hurting the overall effectiveness of the team. These conversations are never easy and to encourage the… Continue reading The Unexpected Career Gift

What’s in Your Company’s Differentiation Basket?

You want your company to stand out. To be unique. To catch the consumer’s eye in the marketplace. For that reason, it is critical for your leadership team to have absolute clarity on the qualities of your company that differentiate you in the marketplace. Notice that we said “qualities,” not “quality.” While single differentiators certainly… Continue reading What’s in Your Company’s Differentiation Basket?

Your Values Are the Driving Force of Your Business

When we encourage leaders to define the values of their company, we occasionally get pushback. “Values” can seem like such a nebulous term, unconnected to the daily operations, sales, and revenue of business. But the fact is, your values are the driving force of your business because your values drive your culture, your culture drives… Continue reading Your Values Are the Driving Force of Your Business

Go to the Danger Zone

The scene is the conference room. The actors are the leadership team members of the business. You are there, sitting at the table. You have hard problems to solve – perhaps customer-related, perhaps product-oriented, perhaps financial, perhaps strategic. You have a decision to face: will you tackle the really tough problems that are facing you?… Continue reading Go to the Danger Zone