Makarios Consulting Blog

Month: July 2020

Communication: High-performing Teams Keep Dialogue Flowing

Communication – always a characteristic of high-performing teams – becomes even more crucial in times of crisis such as we are currently experiencing with the coronavirus pandemic. During a crisis, people are easily distracted as urgent matters arise unpredictably and unexpected developments reshape the business and the marketplace. In recent weeks, we have worked with… Continue reading Communication: High-performing Teams Keep Dialogue Flowing

Strengths & Weaknesses: High-performing Teams Know Each Other Well

Great teams live out of their strengths – and leverage those strengths to shore up their weaknesses. They understand that no single person “has it all,” but that, together, the team can get the job done and do it extraordinarily well. If you have not already done so, we recommend that you take a systematic… Continue reading Strengths & Weaknesses: High-performing Teams Know Each Other Well