Makarios Consulting Blog

Author: Tim Thomas

Crisis Management: How to Calmly Lead Your Team

BP, Tiger Woods, Chilean miners and Goldman Sachs have something in common—they’ve endured a crisis that made headlines. While your company may not be in the spotlight, it’s never too small to face a crisis that can affect your business results, your customer relationships and the effectiveness of your team. Whether you are facing an… Continue reading Crisis Management: How to Calmly Lead Your Team

Players or Pretenders: Which do you have on your team?

I recently came across the following quote by leadership expert, John C. Maxwell: In every organization there are those people who would rather act the part than do their part. I’ve classified these people as pretenders. Pretenders can slow an organization down, steal momentum, and damage relationships in an organization. They live for themselves. When… Continue reading Players or Pretenders: Which do you have on your team?

Are You Half Full?

Now that the lazy days of summer have come to an end I see some people exuding a rather melancholy state of mind.  Whether it’s the start of school with the busy schedules it includes, the shorter daylight hours and the prospect of long, cold winter nights, or the thought of a stretch of many… Continue reading Are You Half Full?

Challenging the Status Quo

Process. Routine. Habit. Status quo. When a true leader hears the words, “We’ve always done it this way,” his or her fingers start to itch. The questions come fast and furious: “Why have we always done it this way?” “What’s working in our process – and what’s not?” “How can we do it better?” Great… Continue reading Challenging the Status Quo

State Your Niche

While driving through the state border between Pennsylvania and Delaware I noticed something interesting.  On the sign welcoming travelers to Delaware there are a number of what I would call catch phrases describing the tiny State.  I assume they are there to invite tourism and commerce.  On this one single sign I saw the following: … Continue reading State Your Niche

Failure – Anchor Or Educator?

Show me someone who’s had no failure and I’ll show you someone who’s less than honest with themselves.  I certainly have had my fair share of failures.  For instance, for some crazy reason I thought it would be a peachy idea to go out for the volleyball team my first year of college.  Now mind… Continue reading Failure – Anchor Or Educator?

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