One thing most small to medium sized businesses have in common is a perception that attending meetings can be a huge waste of time which could be better spent elsewhere. According to small business consulting experts, however, if you structure your meetings properly and stick to some basic guidelines, you’ll discover that your productiveness during… Continue reading Effective Meeting Management: What A Small Business Consulting Firm Can Teach You
Tag: business
Small Business Consulting Tips For Managing Toxic Rainmakers
Nearly every company has one – the rainmaker who can close any deal, rack up impressive sales and charm every client. In some cases, however, that rainmaker has an abrasive personality when he or she is dealing with fellow employees. This can include denigrating other’s work, snapping at coworkers or simply being intolerably arrogant, passive-aggressive… Continue reading Small Business Consulting Tips For Managing Toxic Rainmakers
Business Consulting Firms Stress The Importance of Measurable Results
There are plenty of business consulting firms out there who trumpet their success at helping small- and medium-sized companies grow and flourish. Many of them point to ephemeral measurements of success that aren’t easy to quantify. “Unparalleled growth” doesn’t really tell you much. Unparalleled growth based on what scale? Compared to what? How Some Business… Continue reading Business Consulting Firms Stress The Importance of Measurable Results

Building a Marketing Strategy that Works with the Help of Small Business Consulting Services
Is there ever a time when a company doesn’t benefit from the help of small business consulting services? The short answer—no. Social media giant Facebook recently provided a great example of how businesses of any size benefit from ongoing assistance when it comes to strategy. Despite its historic success, Facebook was not doing so great… Continue reading Building a Marketing Strategy that Works with the Help of Small Business Consulting Services

Business Consulting Firms Help Companies Learn the Benefits of Delegation
Business consulting firms often work with clients who feel overworked and stressed because they feel the need to take on a multitude of responsibilities alone. Delegating, the act of giving up control and allowing someone else to take the reins, is tough for some managers. An example of delegation occurred at the end of September… Continue reading Business Consulting Firms Help Companies Learn the Benefits of Delegation

A Small Business Consulting Firm Can Teach New Managers Essential Skills
Any small business consulting firm will tell you that a company is only as strong as its leaders. A recent story in the Standard-Examiner reports that an audit revealed that the Utah Telecommunications Open Infrastructure Agency (UTOPIA) is in big financial trouble due to poor management and a lack of planning. Poor oversight of the… Continue reading A Small Business Consulting Firm Can Teach New Managers Essential Skills