Micromanagers are the worst. Don’t take our word for it: 60% of employees surveyed in the 2017 State of the American Workplace report said they can’t do their job because their boss is too busy doing it for them. This according to a recent Forbes article written by Navalent Managing Partner Ron Carucci on how… Continue reading Manage the Micromanager: The Art of Managing ‘Up’
Makarios Consulting Blog
Tag: leadership skills
Leadership Skills: Random vs. Purposeful
Most of us learn to lead in a very random fashion. We learn from the people around us in our careers, and we generally have little or no control over the great majority of people we are exposed to in our work. If we are lucky enough to work with strong, effective leaders, we learn… Continue reading Leadership Skills: Random vs. Purposeful
Fuzzy With a Chance of Blurry
Two critical things muddle the lines of accountability in a company: 1) blurred roles and 2) fuzzy responsibilities. We’ve all been there. You take a job and it turns out that you’re doing four or five people’s jobs. And no one seems to know where the responsibilities begin and end. When roles and responsibilities are… Continue reading Fuzzy With a Chance of Blurry