Makarios Consulting Blog

Tag: roles

Understanding Roles: Clarity Is Key for High-Performing Teams

High-performing teams all have this in common: everyone understands each team member’s role. It is so easy to say … and so hard to do. We have found in our work that teams are frequently plagued with problems when it comes to knowing who is supposed to do what. Roles on the team may be… Continue reading Understanding Roles: Clarity Is Key for High-Performing Teams

Leadership Courage Part 1: Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities for Peak Team Performance

It is easy to say that businesses need to be clear about what needs to be done and who needs to do it to achieve optimum performance. But it is so hard to do. Leadership teams habitually struggle to clarify roles and responsibilities: it requires discipline and courage to define the seats you need on… Continue reading Leadership Courage Part 1: Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities for Peak Team Performance

Driving Energy with Accountability

For too many people in the corporate world, “accountability” is a loaded word: loaded, that is, with negative baggage. It conjures up images of bosses who speak sternly to those of lower rank, holding some shortcoming over their heads. For this reason, the thought of “accountability” makes many people cringe. This, however, is not a… Continue reading Driving Energy with Accountability