Makarios Consulting Blog

Tag: communication

leadership communication

The Leadership Ropes Course: Inspiring the Leap

Leadership is a lot like a ropes course – you are confronted with challenge after challenge, each one testing your skills and giving you an opportunity for personal development and team growth. In this series, we are looking at elements of “The Leadership Ropes Course” that all leaders need to face – and master! Jumping… Continue reading The Leadership Ropes Course: Inspiring the Leap

hybrid workplace

The Impact of the Hybrid Office on Core Values

The hybrid office is much in the news today. There is a lot of talk about technologies and policies that can help optimize the post-pandemic work environment. Those are good discussions and necessary decisions, but something is at stake that is not being addressed nearly enough: the impact of the hybrid office on a company’s… Continue reading The Impact of the Hybrid Office on Core Values

leadership communication

Leadership from Zero to 30,000 Feet

You’ve likely seen news stories of violence in the skies as passengers become unruly, enraged, and abusive. Well, I (Tim) was on a flight at the end of August that had all the makings of major passenger disgruntlement, to put it mildly. But because of the great leadership of our captain, the flight didn’t make… Continue reading Leadership from Zero to 30,000 Feet

clear, direct leadership

A Lack of Clarity Gets a Lack of Results

Picture in your mind’s eye: you are sitting in a team meeting. One of your team members is not hitting the mark. As the leader, you need to tell him … but you waffle. You don’t want to hurt his feelings, so you use circumlocutions. You don’t want tempers to rise, so you water down… Continue reading A Lack of Clarity Gets a Lack of Results

toxic leadership

Toxicity Is Not Okay

Company offices can readily turn into interpersonal battlegrounds. Verbal grenades explode one after the other – undercutting, demeaning, belittling, attacking, insulting, and destroying team members. In consequence, work does not get done and forward progress stalls, damaging the business. How does this happen? Particularly when the people involved are capable, competent individuals? An antagonistic culture… Continue reading Toxicity Is Not Okay

managing up

Four Strategies for Managing Up

One of the most difficult and painful positions you can find yourself in as an experienced and capable leader is needing to “manage up” because your boss does not have your back. It is an unenviable position – but that does not mean it is an impossible situation. Let’s consider an all-too-common scenario: you lead… Continue reading Four Strategies for Managing Up