Makarios Consulting Blog

Tag: toxic

A photo of a chess game in a difficult move. Addressing problems of poor performance or bad behavior requires leadership courage.

Make the Decision to Start the New Year Right

Today, you as a leader may be thinking about one person on your team who just isn’t measuring up. Maybe it’s how they relate to other people – pure, plain toxicity. Perhaps it is their work – or lack of it. It could be their approach – such as a failure to conform to the… Continue reading Make the Decision to Start the New Year Right

toxic leadership

Toxicity Is Not Okay

Company offices can readily turn into interpersonal battlegrounds. Verbal grenades explode one after the other – undercutting, demeaning, belittling, attacking, insulting, and destroying team members. In consequence, work does not get done and forward progress stalls, damaging the business. How does this happen? Particularly when the people involved are capable, competent individuals? An antagonistic culture… Continue reading Toxicity Is Not Okay