Makarios Consulting Blog

Month: December 2015

Fuzzy With a Chance of Blurry

Two critical things muddle the lines of accountability in a company: 1) blurred roles and 2) fuzzy responsibilities. We’ve all been there. You take a job and it turns out that you’re doing four or five people’s jobs. And no one seems to know where the responsibilities begin and end. When roles and responsibilities are… Continue reading Fuzzy With a Chance of Blurry

What We Have Here is a Failure to Execute

It’s a new year. You and your team have just taken a fresh look at your strategic direction and established specific goals for this year. The strategy is clear; the goals are lofty. Here’s where it gets tricky and where many leaders fail to bring their strategy to life. As 2016 approaches, let’s take a… Continue reading What We Have Here is a Failure to Execute

Tough Love: It’s in the Delivery

No one likes to hear what they’re doing wrong. And, as leaders, we often don’t want to tell employees ‘bad news’ about their progress or attitude. In last week’s blog, we discussed the concept of ‘reinforcing feedback’ – recognizing and encouraging positive behavior. This week, we’ll focus on ‘redirecting feedback,’ which seeks to change, or… Continue reading Tough Love: It’s in the Delivery