Makarios Consulting Blog

Category: Leadership-Executive Coaching

First Impressions and the Feedback Statement

Feedback is a powerful tool in the communication process. We define the “feedback statement” as the first one or two sentences spoken by the person giving the feedback, which explain to the recipient why the conversation is taking place. Think of a feedback statement as a first impression. That first impression is difficult to shake,… Continue reading First Impressions and the Feedback Statement

Watch Out: 6 Obstacles to Effective Communication

Famed management teacher and writer Peter Drucker states that “…the essence of management is communication.” We fully agree with Professor Drucker – a leader’s ability to communicate effectively determines his or her own impact, and the results his organization delivers. We find that leaders often struggle to improve communication, even when they spend a huge… Continue reading Watch Out: 6 Obstacles to Effective Communication

Tailor Your Leadership Style for Success

When managing others, each of us practices at least one of the five leadership styles – Bureaucratic, Supportive, Directive, Traditional or Collaborative. These styles can be defined as follows: Bureaucratic: Relies on routine operating policies and procedures to accomplish tasks, while limiting interpersonal interactions. Supportive: Builds harmonious and collaborative relationships among employees, particularly in high-stress… Continue reading Tailor Your Leadership Style for Success

Who’s the Adult Here?

  Last week, we touched on the sometimes-dysfunctional dynamics of family businesses and the importance of maintaining professional relationships in the workplace. In non-family businesses, we often discover similar challenges, especially as they relate to interactions between employees and their direct supervisors. One interesting theory used to examine workplace interactions comes from psychiatrist Dr. Eric… Continue reading Who’s the Adult Here?

When It’s All Too Much

One of the greatest challenges facing every business owner or leadership team is executing on a defined strategic direction. If we can’t bring our strategy to life, it doesn’t matter how clearly defined the strategy is or how lofty our goals are. The foundation of execution is healthy, dynamic, and proactive leadership. But what happens… Continue reading When It’s All Too Much

Handling Conflict the VOMP Way

When conflicts arise, we must understand three ways to help diffuse them: 1) slow down our thinking so we can make rational decisions, 2) separate our needs from our wants, and 3) choose the right method to handle the given conflict. Once we have diffused the conflict, our next step is to actualize our understandings… Continue reading Handling Conflict the VOMP Way