COVID-19 has upended the way we do business. A remote workforce, virtual meetings, video conferencing, and the like are the new normal. If you are a leader used to managing your people in person, you might find yourself at loose ends asking, “How do I manage people I am not physically with? How do I… Continue reading Performance Management During COVID-19
Tag: leadership
Just Pick a Lane … You Don’t Have to Stay in It
You and your leadership team are facing a decision, so you gather a wealth of data – and then you gather some more. You have thoughtful and intelligent conversations about the issue in meeting after meeting. You analyze it from every angle, with each member of the team contributing the benefit of their experience, their… Continue reading Just Pick a Lane … You Don’t Have to Stay in It
Trust: The Foundation of High-performing Teams
In our first blog in this series, we shared our “top ten” list of characteristics that define high-performing teams. Now, it’s time to get down to business and talk about each of those characteristics in greater depth so you can take action to improve your team’s performance. We start with the foundation that all the… Continue reading Trust: The Foundation of High-performing Teams
Go to the Danger Zone
The scene is the conference room. The actors are the leadership team members of the business. You are there, sitting at the table. You have hard problems to solve – perhaps customer-related, perhaps product-oriented, perhaps financial, perhaps strategic. You have a decision to face: will you tackle the really tough problems that are facing you?… Continue reading Go to the Danger Zone
What Do You Really Value?
As a leader, what are your core values? Have you ever spent time sitting down and defining the core values you live out of every day? If the answer is “no,” the odds are that your behavior isn’t as consistent as it could be … and if your behavior isn’t consistent, neither will be the… Continue reading What Do You Really Value?
Your First Commitment Is to Your First Team
An organization’s top executives usually sit on two teams. They are members of the company leadership team, but they are also leaders of their department teams. So, as you circle the conference table, you find the people in charge of Business Development, Finance, Operations, IT, Sales, Manufacturing, and so forth. This is all well and… Continue reading Your First Commitment Is to Your First Team