Makarios Consulting Blog

Small Business Consulting Services Help You Challenge The Status Quo

Small business consulting servicesChallenging the status quo in business can be difficult. If your business is already successful, you may be tempted to rest on your laurels and enjoy things, but that’s not the way to stay ahead. Complacency usually causes us to slide into a comfort zone that it can be difficult to get out of. You need to move beyond, “We’ve always done it this way,” to really reach for the stars. Small business consulting services will tell you that the greatest obstacle you’ll face when challenging the status quo will be your people. “Business as usual” may be comfortable, but it isn’t the result of anyone’s best work. It’s just their “usual” work. By challenging their usual work, you’re demanding that they perform above and beyond their usual work. Handled correctly, it can revolutionize your business.

Focus On One Challenge At A Time

Don’t overwhelm your team with a slew of changes all at once. Keep in mind that they will be wrapping their heads around a new way of doing things and it will take time for them to adjust. Individuals have to get over their fear of the unknown, which is usually the reason they are resistant to challenging the status quo. They fear that change will make things worse instead of better. It’s a fine line to walk, but with the right mindset, you can bring your employees on board when you challenge the way things have always been done. If you want to reinvent the wheel, you need to stop worrying about the brakes, the frame and the engine, and focus on the wheel. Makarios’ small business consulting services can help you define and refine what issues you want to focus on when you challenge the status quo. By focusing on one large, long term goal rather than several, you’re allowing your team members or employees time to acclimate themselves to the new status quo.

The Ultimate Balancing Act: Small Business Consulting Services Can Help

Challenging others requires a bit of finesse and the ability to view others with respect for their opinions and even their concerns. You can’t stop being a team member in order to advance a new idea or you’ll have left the most important component for change behind. If you’re certain that you can challenge the status quo with remarkable, new ideas, you should also be open to challenges and new ideas from others. Rather than forcing change down their throats, take their hand and walk together toward the common goal of improving your business. Our small business consulting services can help you achieve this delicate balance by being a facilitator for change that doesn’t drive a wedge between you and your team.

Are you ready to take on that challenge now? Call today and get a free estimate on Makarios Consulting‘s innovative program for challenging the status quo in your business without jeopardizing what makes your company so unique – its people.

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