Makarios Consulting Blog

Category: Business Consulting

Small Business Consulting Services Can Help You Establish Measurable Goals

According to small business consulting services, good goals must be measurable. There’s a big difference between stating that you want to make a lot of money and saying you want to book $20,000 in new business in the next quarter. The reason—you can measure $20,000, but you can’t measure a lot. Qualities of a Good Goal When small business consulting services… Continue reading Small Business Consulting Services Can Help You Establish Measurable Goals

How to deal with conflict resolution in your business

A Honeywell committee member, Jeffrey Grayzel, had to recuse himself at the beginning of August from a vote regarding the rezoning of company property. According to the website, the decision comes as a result of a conflict that arose from the knowledge that Grayzel’s wife was a former employee of the Fortune 100 company.… Continue reading How to deal with conflict resolution in your business

How small business consulting services can help companies empower employees

An article in the Calgary Heralddiscusses how local businesses are using enterprise mobility (integrating the capabilities of smart phones) to empower employees who don’t work in an office setting, like construction workers. While using the latest technologies can assist with employee engagement and empowerment, this may not be an evergreen solution because technologies rapidly change.… Continue reading How small business consulting services can help companies empower employees

How Business Consulting Firms Can Help You Set Your Long-Term goals

The Jamestown Regional Medical Centerrecently announced its goal to reduce the readmission of patients with heart failure by up to 20 percent and reduce preventable complications by 40 percent by the end of the year. The current readmission rate is a little over 12 percent, and the new initiative would help improve patient care and reduce… Continue reading How Business Consulting Firms Can Help You Set Your Long-Term goals

Building Trust Through Honesty and Open Communication

John W. Thompson, an unemployed Kansas man, noticed a wallet lying in the highway one afternoon. This bothered him. Sitting along the shoulder of the interstate in his car, Thompson waited for a break in traffic so he could rescue the wallet before the rushing cars tore it apart. The wallet belonged to Jim Park,… Continue reading Building Trust Through Honesty and Open Communication

Active listening skills are crucial to business success

The Consequences of Poor Listening Skills Small business consulting firms will tell you that poor listening leads to costly miscommunication, the consequences of which can be a recipe for failure: Higher stress levels, decreased productivity, increased employee turnover, lawsuits, low moral, misunderstanding, less creativity, poor customer service and a loss of respect. The opposite of these consequences,… Continue reading Active listening skills are crucial to business success