Small business owners are particularly apt to have trouble delegating tasks to their employees, primarily because they are so closely attached to the success or failure of their business. Many small business consulting firms have worked with owner/managers who admitted that they just couldn’t let go of the reins of their company because they didn’t feel that any of their employees were as invested in the company as they were. They also feared that no one could do the jobs they themselves did without making mistakes. Others insisted that it would take more time to train someone to do the job than it was worth. But the real truth is that there are multiple advantages to training someone else and delegating certain jobs to others.
Training Someone Else Gives You A Back Up Plan
Most business consulting firms have worked with plenty of business owners who have admitted that they fear becoming sick or taking a vacation because “no one else could do my work.” But why is that? It’s because they’ve never trained someone to do what they do. If you wait until you are seriously ill before delegating certain tasks, you’ll have a huge problem because your self-fulfilling prophesy will become a reality. It’s far better to train a few people how to handle the complexities of your position when things are calm so that they will be capable of taking charge when you’re gone.
You’ll Have More Time To Focus On Growth
Managers need to have time to establish relationships with their customers that will result in company growth. If they are constantly focusing on the details, they risk losing sight of the overall picture. If you can delegate the stuff that keeps your business running, you can focus on getting your business to grow. You’ll be able to focus on long-term goals that can help your business flourish.
Fresh Insights Can Mean Better Procedures
Any time you delegate a set of tasks to someone else, you’ll get a fresh perspective on the importance of that task and how it’s done. The new person may approach the task from a different angle or be able to put together some new ideas on how to more effectively perform the job in question. Small business consulting firms urge owners to take advantage of those unique perspectives by listening to and implementing some of your employees’ suggestions.
Delegating Fosters A Team Spirit
Any time you give employees new responsibilities, you’re fostering a team spirit by showing your confidence in their ability to take over certain tasks. They’ll repay you with renewed enthusiasm, more team spirit and self-confidence that will build trust with your customers as well.
Any time you’re able to delegate to others, you’re giving yourself the gift of time while giving them the gift of trust and a personal stake in their own futures. It’s a winning combination for you and your business. If you’d like to learn more about how to delegate effectively, contact Makarios Consulting at 610-380-8735.
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