It can be hard to separate our thoughts from our feelings about a situation, especially an emotionally charged conflict situation. We can be quick to feel, quick take offense, and quick to respond. All feelings and emotions are reactions to things that we think. The graphic below illustrates how we typically respond to stimuli, and… Continue reading Sneaky Thoughts
Tag: leadership
5 Methods of Handling Conflict
How do you respond to conflict? Are you quick to anger? Quick to give in? Do you avoid the situation altogether? Do you try to meet someone halfway, giving up a little in the hopes that your gain will be worth the sacrifice? Everyone responds to conflict differently, and our responses can often be merely… Continue reading 5 Methods of Handling Conflict
Conflict: The Emotional Component
The workplace is a blending of cultures, minds, ambitions, and understanding. As people with various backgrounds and opinions try to reach mutual goals, there are bound to be times when “blending” will get difficult and opinions will turn into disagreements and inter-office conflict. Daniel Dana, president of Dana Mediation Institute, is an internationally renowned conflict… Continue reading Conflict: The Emotional Component
Your Words Say Yes, But Your Actions…
In today’s world of Skype, texting, and rapid-fire emails, we often forget ourselves in personal conversations. When we speak indirectly through technology, we don’t have to worry about our posture, our body language, or that we are thumb-fiddlers. But when faced with a physical run-in, we must remember that communication isn’t only about words. Our… Continue reading Your Words Say Yes, But Your Actions…
Strategy: Meet Monkey Wrench
Humans. We’re always getting in the way of our own success. Even after defining your unique and successful strategy, human variables frequently enter into the equation and can derail strategy in three major circumstances: 1) When you compete to be “the best.” Competing to be the best is not nearly as effective as aiming to… Continue reading Strategy: Meet Monkey Wrench
How Do You Catch a Rare Bird? Unique Up On It!
Many companies offer services similar to yours, so why have you gained your success? What gives you a competitive edge? What makes your company different? The crux of creating an effective business strategy lies in knowing and defining your differentiators. Differentiators enable you to build a compelling case to your prospective customers. To be effective,… Continue reading How Do You Catch a Rare Bird? Unique Up On It!