Makarios Consulting Blog

Month: August 2019

What Do You Really Value?

As a leader, what are your core values? Have you ever spent time sitting down and defining the core values you live out of every day? If the answer is “no,” the odds are that your behavior isn’t as consistent as it could be … and if your behavior isn’t consistent, neither will be the… Continue reading What Do You Really Value?

You Don’t Need to Fix Every Problem

by Rip Tilden I’m a slow learner. I admit it. It only took me 20 years of marriage to learn that my wife doesn’t always need me to fix a problem. She just needs me to listen. This was a tough lesson for me. If she had an issue at work or with a family… Continue reading You Don’t Need to Fix Every Problem

Your First Commitment Is to Your First Team

An organization’s top executives usually sit on two teams. They are members of the company leadership team, but they are also leaders of their department teams. So, as you circle the conference table, you find the people in charge of Business Development, Finance, Operations, IT, Sales, Manufacturing, and so forth. This is all well and… Continue reading Your First Commitment Is to Your First Team

The Danger of the Third-party Conversation

You are sitting around the conference table. An issue has just been raised that is cause for concern. Suddenly, there is a notable lack of eye contact among the team members. People begin to talk in roundabout ways: “It must have fallen through the cracks.” “Someone dropped the ball on that one.” “There was some… Continue reading The Danger of the Third-party Conversation