Makarios Consulting Blog

Category: Uncategorized

Tally Up the Scorecard

Last week, we wrote about how important near-term priorities (Rocks) are to keep your team focused and build a strong sense of accomplishment. This week, we’re focusing on how to track performance on a weekly basis. The Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®) that we teach many of our clients encourages leadership teams to keep a weekly… Continue reading Tally Up the Scorecard

Get Your Rocks in a Row

Near-term priorities are known as ‘rocks’ in many companies who use the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)®. When helping our clients get focused in their business, we help them to set ‘Rocks.’ Rocks are the three to seven most important near-term priorities they need to execute in the next 90 days. These tasks should be essential… Continue reading Get Your Rocks in a Row

Tough Love: It’s in the Delivery

No one likes to hear what they’re doing wrong. And, as leaders, we often don’t want to tell employees ‘bad news’ about their progress or attitude. In last week’s blog, we discussed the concept of ‘reinforcing feedback’ – recognizing and encouraging positive behavior. This week, we’ll focus on ‘redirecting feedback,’ which seeks to change, or… Continue reading Tough Love: It’s in the Delivery

Get Focused and Execute Your Goals

Many of the company leadership teams we work with have a pretty good sense of what they want to accomplish with their businesses, at least in general terms. Unfortunately, most tell us they find it hard to execute effectively every day, every quarter, and every year to make their vision a reality. One key step… Continue reading Get Focused and Execute Your Goals

Are You Listening…Well!

Good listening skills will increase the amount of effective feedback leaders get from their employees and team members. Unfortunately, pure listening – really listening and hearing – is not an easy task. We engage in four types of listening, but only one of these really opens the communication floodgates: Physical Listening: Here, we are physically… Continue reading Are You Listening…Well!

Watch Out: 6 Obstacles to Effective Communication

Famed management teacher and writer Peter Drucker states that “…the essence of management is communication.” We fully agree with Professor Drucker – a leader’s ability to communicate effectively determines his or her own impact, and the results his organization delivers. We find that leaders often struggle to improve communication, even when they spend a huge… Continue reading Watch Out: 6 Obstacles to Effective Communication